Stakeholder management for the world’s biggest climate change gathering.

The Approach

We were approached by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to manage the official partners of COP23, the world’s biggest climate change gathering in Bonn, Germany. 

“Climate change is like a thief in the night. It not only steals but kills and destroys. If we don’t act now there might not be a future for the entire human race.”
Timoci Naulusala

The Conference of Parties is an annual international meeting of political leaders and activists to discuss and agree plans to combat climate change. The significance of this conference was that it was agreed by world leaders how the landmark Paris Agreement would be implemented across the globe.

The Impact

  • We were responsible for the management of the official partners of the event including Facebook, Microsoft, Financial Times, KPMG and DHL.
  • We programmed over 30 side-events during the week-long negotiations for the partners which were open to the 25,000 attendees of the conference.
  • Ensured all contractual obligations for each partner were met, and high-profile meetings were diarised, supporting on initial outcomes.
  • Managed content development and building a positive narrative for the ten-day programme for each partner, highlighting strategic accomplishments, PR, marketing and branding.