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April 2023


Exhibition World - Sustainability and Accessibility: Can we have it all?

Sustainability and Accessibility: Can we have it all?
Sustainability and Accessibility: Can we have it all? Page 2
Providing an insightful and thought-provoking analysis on sustainable events, The Bulb’s Sustainability Manager, Meg Strahle, tries to answer one of the most discussed questions in the events industry –  Sustainability and Accessibility: Can we have it all?
“What people don’t realise is that some aspects of design are there for a reason. By changing your entire design to be more sustainable without pausing to think about whom it will impact, you might remove accessibility – creating more barriers for people that want to attend your events.”
Access to the full issue of Exhibition World can be found here



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Q&ASpeaking Event

An Interview with The Bulb’s Sustainability Consultant, Thi Dinh…

The Bulb's Sustainability Consultant, Thi Dinh, participates in a sustainability-focused interview for The Meetings Show 2024.