Selina Donald, CEO and Founder of The Bulb, provides an insightful guest blog for Event Vision:2025, discussing ‘Accelerating towards a Circular Future’.
The Bulb Founder, Selina Donald, shares her experience with using isla’s TRACE measurement tool, providing a ‘success story’ feature for isla’s Temperature Check Report.
The Bulb’s Senior Sustainability Consultant, Rebecca Whitman, joined the guest speaker line-up for Campaign’s Brand Experience 360 event.
Elevate Global achieves award success for their ESG Program, produced in partnership with The Bulb.
Featured in AdWeek, Selina Donald shares her views on carbon emission measurement for brand activations.
Selina Donald provides a guest blog for isla and explores why we should view sustainability as an opportunity, rather than a cost.
The Bulb’s Sustainability Manager, Meg Strahle, speaks to Exhibition World and answers one of the most discussed questions in the events industry – Sustainability and Accessibility: Can we have it all?
Speaking with Stand Out magazine, our Sustainability Manager Meg Strahle shared her experience and advice on inclusive design.
The Bulb produced the sustainability strategy for the award-winning Sky Glass activation.
Our Founder and CEO, Selina Donald, spoke with Exhibition World, sharing her views on sustainability and updates on The Bulb.